Author Guidelines


Articles submitted to the Journal ekonomi must follow the writing procedure templete link as follows:

  1. The article manuscript is written in Indonesian and the submission is done online through the website of the Jecomby. Submission of article manuscripts is free of charge but publication is subject to a fee. The author must login first.
  2. The submitted article is the result of research with a maximum number of 15 pages. A4 format paper size (21x 29.7 cm); with margins: bottom 2.54 cm, top 2.54 cm, left 2.54 cm, and right 2.54 cm.
  3. Title, Abstract and keywords are written in English.
    1. The title of the manuscript is not more than 15 words, provided that the format of the title case, small caps, centered, bold, uses Cambria type, size 12, spaced 1.
    2. Abstract does not contain pictures or tables, in justified format, uses Cambria type size 9, spaced 1, does not exceed 250 words.
    3. Keywords consist of 3-5 words/phrases, separated by commas, in justified format, using Cambria font size 9, spaced 1.
  4. Article Script Content
    1. The main text of the article must be written in 1 column format with a column spacing of 1 cm, justified, using Cambria type, size 10, first line indent 5 mm, 1 space.
    2. Consists of: Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, followed by Acknowledgments and References.
    1. Introduction:disclose the background of the research problem, related studies that have existed, differences from previous research so as to bring up the novelty of the research, formulation/identification of problems, objectives of writing, hopes to be achieved from writing, and scientific benefits from writing.
    2. Research methods:explain the data, population and sample determination, analytical tools used, and if any can include a Fishbone Diagram of the study.
    3. Results and Discussion:disclose research findings based on field data obtained by questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations and other data collection techniques. The research results are analyzed by interpreting with certain techniques and synthesizing with certain theories (it can also come from the author's thoughts). Research results must be concise and clear. The discussion must analyze the significance of the research results, avoid repetition. Avoid discussing citations and literature that is too broad in this section.
    4. Conclusion:contains a summary of the answers to the purpose of writing, the possibility of implementing or developing research and suggestions or recommendations for further research.
  1. Headings can only be made up to 3 levels.
    1. Heading 1: title case, small caps, left aligned, bold, using Cambria font, size 10, 1 space, using Roman numbering with periods.
    2. Heading 2: title case, left aligned, bold, using Cambria font, size 10, 1 space, using capital letters numbering followed by a period.
    3. Heading 3: title case, left aligned, italic, using Cambria font, size 10, 1 space, using numbering with numbers followed by closing brackets.
  1. Heading 4 is not accepted in article writing.
  2. Figures and tables must use black and white, if made in other colors, it must be ensured that the figures and tables can be clearly read when printed in black and white. Figures and tables must be clearly legible and made in a size that is proportional to the entire page. The title of the image and the title of the table must be numbered, with Cambria font size 10, spaced 1. To make it easier to adjust the appearance of the article/layout, please include images or tables in .tif/.jpg/.jpeg format in separate folders.
  3. Mathematical equations are written clearly, using numbering sequences, and are equipped with the necessary information.
  4. Manuscripts use page numbers including headers and footers.
  5. All hypertext links and section bookmarks will be removed from the article manuscript. If your article refers to an email address or URL, you must type the complete email address or URL.
  6. Citation and references are written using the modelMendeley.
    1. References are arranged alphabetically based on the last name of the cited author. Bibliography in Cambrian 12, 1 space, 0 pt underscore. Reference writing format follows APA Style 6th Edition as below.
    2. Primary references must be at least 80% of at least 10 references.
    3. References must use up-to-date sources of at least the last 10 years.
    4. In detail, the procedure for writing an article script can be downloaded attemplateswhich has been provided.

The editorial board has the authority to reject article manuscripts based on reasons stated by peer reviewers and make necessary changes or adjustments related to the use of language without changing the substance of the article manuscript. Editing the contents of the manuscript will be consulted with the author first.

  1. Manuscript Preparation and Style

Authors must fill out agreements when submitting their articles to journals, such as:

  1. Ethics Statementwhich contains a statement that the submitted article has never been published or is in the process of being reviewed in another journal,
  2. Copyright Transfer Agreement(CTA link) which contains a statement that the author submits his copyright to the journal and the article has followed the journal's writing format, and other information
  3. Authorship Agreementwhich contains a statement that the authors agree with the order of the authors' names in the published manuscript.

This approval will appear at the beginning when the author will submit his article. Authors will be asked to upload the three approvals in the supplementary file section and tick all the required information as a form of author approval with the rules applied by the journal manager.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submitted manuscript has never been published in any journal
  2. Script files are available in Microsoft Word document format
  3. If available, please include the reference URL.
  4. The text is spaced 1, Cambrian letters 10, all pictures, tables are placed in the text according to the explanation.
  5. How to write reference sources, please followAuthor Guidelines, which can be seen in the About Journal section.
  6. This journal uses Double Blind Review

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will only be used for the purposes of the journal and will not be used by other parties for any purpose.