Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 01 (2025): Journal of Economics and Business (JECOMBI), January 2025
					View Vol. 6 No. 01 (2025): Journal of Economics and Business (JECOMBI), January 2025

Journal of Economics and Business (JECOMBI) is a periodical publication (three times a year, in September, Januari, and May) with the primary objective to disseminate scientific articles in the fields of economics, business, and accounting. The scope of the journal JECOMBI as follows: [Management Science] : Marketing, Financial management, Human Resource Management, International Business, Entrepreneurship. [Economics] : Monetary, Economics, Finance, and Banking, International Economics, Public Economics, Economic development, Regional Economy. [Accounting Sciences] : Taxation and Public Sector Accounting, Accounting information system, Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management accounting, Behavioral accounting.

Published: 2025-01-04


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Journal of Economics and Business (JECOMBI) is a fully refereed (double-blind peer review) and an open-access online journal for academics, researchers, graduate students, early-career researchers and undergraduate students, published by SEAN InstituteJournal of Economics and Business (JECOMBI) is a periodical publication (three times a year, in September, Januari, and May) with the primary objective to disseminate scientific articles in the fields of economics, business, and accounting.

The scope of the journal JECOMBI as follows:

[Management Science] : Marketing, Financial management, Human Resource Management, International Business, Entrepreneurship. [Economics] : Monetary, Economics, Finance, and Banking, International Economics, Public Economics, Economic development, Regional Economy. [Accounting Sciences] : Taxation and Public Sector Accounting, Accounting information system, Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management accounting, Behavioral accounting.


Journal title Journal of Economics and Business (JECOMBI)
Publisher SEAN Institute
Subjects Management Science, Economics, Accounting Sciences 
Language English
ISSN 2746-8887 (online)
Frequency 3 issues per year 
DOI Prefix
Editor-in-chief Martua Sitorus, M.M